Laundromat Solutions

We offer top-of-the-line laundromat equipment designed to meet the demands of busy commercial laundry facilities. Our machines are built for efficiency, durability, and ease of use, ensuring your customers experience a seamless laundry process.

From high-capacity washers and dryers to advanced payment systems and energy-efficient models, our equipment is crafted to deliver superior performance while reducing operational costs. Trust our expert team to help you select the best machinery tailored to your laundromat’s specific needs, ensuring optimal functionality and customer satisfaction.

Shipping Container Laundromat Solutions

Innovative and versatile, our shipping container laundromat solutions are perfect for areas requiring flexible and mobile laundry services. 

Henson specialises in the manufacturing and supply of these compact, self-contained units, which are fully equipped with commercial-grade washers, dryers, and essential utilities.

Designed for easy transportation and setup, our container laundromats provide a practical solution for remote locations, remote caps and construction sites, military bases, and disaster relief zones. With robust construction and efficient layout, these units offer the same high-quality laundry services as traditional facilities, ensuring reliable performance wherever they are needed.
