4 Actionable Marketing Ideas for Laundromats

A well-executed laundromat marketing campaign may rev up your business, expand your customer base, and boost earnings. What’s the good news? It is not necessary to spend a lot of money or time marketing your laundromat, Henson Laundry has created a list of resources to assist you in marketing your laundry online. Combining online and offline efforts will result in the most effective marketing approach and will position your company for long-term success. Let’s get started!

Commercial Washer Extractor, Tumble Dryer, a Calendar Ironer and Steam Press Ironer; A perfect comnination for a Laundromat Business.
  1. Engage on Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all excellent venues for building a following and keeping customers informed about forthcoming specials and events. While it is free to create an account on these sites, if you want to be productive, you will need to put aside time for regular interaction. Aim to post on each platform at least once a week, and keep an eye on your pages on a daily basis so you can respond to client feedback.

2. Paid Advertising on Social Media

If you’re ready to start paying for advertising for your company, social media platforms (such as Facebook) are a terrific place to start. When compared to traditional media such as newspapers and radio, advertising on social media may be incredibly cost-effective since you can tailor your message to certain groups and places, resulting in a higher return on your investment.

3. Get Your Business on Online Maps

Henson Laundry has a dedicated marketing department with experience in the laundry industry and we’re here to help laundromats take their marketing to the next level.

4. Own a Website

You should consider creating your own website if you are truly devoted to marketing your store online. A website helps you to present your company in the greatest light possible. It has a larger canvas than a Facebook or Instagram page, allowing you to share more details about your business. Your own website, which is linked to your social media profiles, will help your business rank higher in Google searches.

Henson Laundry Creative Services

Here are just some of the ways Henson Laundry can assist laundromat owners:

  • Interior & Exterior Signage Design
  • Logo Design
  • Business Card Design
  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Store Layout Plans
  • Website Design
  • Direct Mail Campaigns
  • SEO and Google Maps Optimization

Are you looking to starting a laundromat business or have an existing one? Henson Laundry has rich industry experience in helping entrepreneurs across the East African Market run profitable laundry businesses. Contact Henson team today! Email info@hensonlaundry.com or call 0706 606 072. We’ll help make your laundry business a success!


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